Translation for "in differed" to italian
Translation examples
"l love you" in different languages.
"ti amo"in diverse lingue
They settled down in different places.
Si stabilirono qui in diversi luoghi.
He's torturing me in different stages.
Mi sta torturando in diverse fasi.
Do these things come in different sizes?
Ma le fanno in diverse misure.
Exceptional in different ways.
Eccellente in diversi modi.
We are pushed in different directions.
O il destino. Noi siamo spinti in diverse direzioni.
I got keys in different area trees.
Ho chiavi in diverse zone alberate.
The brain stores memories in different ways.
Il cervello conserva i ricordi in diversi modi.
Everyone votes anonymously in different categories.
Ognuno vota anonimamente in diverse categorie.
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