Translation for "hurting himself" to italian
Translation examples
He might jump hurt himself.
Potrebbe buttarsi. Farsi male.
- Ascolta, poteva farsi male.
Don't let him hurt himself.
Impediscigli di farsi male.
You don't think he might hurt himself now?
Non pensi che possa farsi male adesso?
Henry could hurt himself inside a padded box.
Henry poteva farsi male anche nella bambagia.
He could have hurt himself! Son, he's out there running around the woods with a gun!
Avrebbe potuto farsi male.
That wild boy who kept hurting himself?
Quel bambino che continuava a farsi male da solo?
Oh, he won't hurt himself.
- Non può farsi male.
He could hurt himself.
Potrebbe farsi male.
Buster looked for ways to hurt himself.
Buster cercava di farsi male in ogni modo.
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