Translation for "helmuth" to italian
Translation examples
Thanks Helmuth and the others.
Grazie, Helmut, e grazie a tutti voi.
Helmuth von Moltke brought the 6th flyer from the "White Rose" through Scandinavia to England.
Grazie a Helmut von Molte il sesto volantino della Rosa Bianca sorvolò la Scandinavia e arrivò in Inghilterra.
Who's the bastard, Helmuth?
Chi e' il bastardo Helmut ?
What did you do, Helmuth?
E tu, Helmut?
My name is Helmuth von Sachs. I'm from Germany. Cologne, "Ruhr-gebiet", steel industry.
Mi chiamo Helmut von Sachs e, per chi non mi conosce bene, io... lch bin aus Deutschland, Colonia, la Ruhr, le acciaierie.
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