Translation for "heinkels" to italian
Translation examples
Are you sure you don't want to check out the wreckage of the Heinkel?
Sicuro di non voler controllare il relitto dell'Heinkel?
Looks like a dozen Heinkel at least, sir, with Messerschmitts flanking. - Out of range?
Circa una dozzina di Heinkel, signore, scortati dai Messerschmitts.
What's the Heinkel?
Cos'è l'Heinkel?
Did you hear that, Heinkel?
L'hai sentita, Heinkel?
They're Heinkels.
- No, sono Heinkel.
What you're listening to here is a 46-litre BMW V12, an engine that was originally used to power the Heinkel He 111 bomber.
Quello che state sentendo quì è un V12 BMW da 46 litri, un motore che era originariamente usato per spingere il bombardiere Heinkel He 111.
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