Translation for "heh" to italian
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Translation examples
An invitation for military therapy, heh, heh...
Un invito di terapia militare,eh eh
- Heh, didn't...
- Eh, didn't --
And on ice, heh heh, tough as nails.
E sul ghiaccio... eh, eh, tosto come il ferro.
Oh, heh heh, well how 'bout that...
Oh! Eh eh... Già, pensa un po' che...
Heh, ifs love!
Eh, I'amore !
Yes, heh heh, well I'll leave you to it.
Sì, eh eh, bene ora vi lascio soli.
It's prac-heh.
E' prat... eh.
Heh, women, huh?
Le donne, eh?
No, I... Heh, heh, heh.
No, io... he, he, he.
Heh-heh. Nice try.
He he, ci hai provato.
And now, to conclude this program, I leave you again... in the company of The Little Mushrooms who will teach you the song: "The Chicken Said Eureka" Heh, heh, heh, heh...
E adesso, per finire questo programma, vi lascio nuovamente con "l Funghetti" che vi insegneranno la canzone: "La Gallina disse Eureka". He, he, he, he...
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