Translation for "heartfelt" to italian
Translation examples
My heartfelt congratulations.
Le mie piu' sincere congratulazioni.
Yes, they're heartfelt.
Sì, sono versi sinceri.
My most heartfelt congratulations!
Le mie più sincere congratulazioni.
My, that sounds heartfelt.
Oh sembra sincera.
That seemed very heartfelt.
Sembrava molto sincera.
That's really heartfelt.
Che pensiero sincero.
I appreciate a heartfelt critique.
Apprezzo le critiche sincere.
Heartfelt condolences, madam.
Le mie piu' sincere condoglianze, signora.
Doesn't that sound heartfelt, Richard?
Non sembra sincera, Richard?
Do you want heartfelt laughter?
Vorresti una risata sincera?
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