Translation for "having problem" to italian
Translation examples
I should not have problem
Non dovrei avere problema
I don't like having problems, admiral.
A me non piace avere problemi, ammiraglio.
Doesn't mean you can't have problems.
Non significa che non si possano avere problemi.
- Is he still having problems?
- Continua ad avere problemi?
Right now you're having problems.
Sei tu ad avere problemi.
I don't remember you having problems.
- Non ricordo che fossi tu ad avere problemi.
- We could have problems.
Potremmo avere problemi.
They know they may have problems with you.
Sanno che potrebbero avere problemi con lei.
Did he mention having problems with anyone? No.
- Ha detto di avere problemi con qualcuno?
- I'm having problems with Josh.
- Sto avendo problemi con josh.
We're having problems with our phase modulators.
Stiamo avendo problemi coi nostri modulatori di fase
I'm, still having problems with my memory.
Sto... ancora avendo problemi di memoria.
- I'm having problems with my car.
- Sto avendo problemi con la mia auto.
Girl's having problems with the pregnancy.
La ragazza sta avendo problemi con la gravidanza
Are you guys having problems?
State avendo problemi?
Are you two having problems?
State avendo problemi voi due?
See? I knew you two were having problems.
Sapevo stavate avendo problemi.
You having problems in the bedroom?
Stai avendo problemi a letto? Si', forse.
Sta... avendo problemi con il suo matrimonio.
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