Translation for "having difficulty" to italian
Translation examples
On occasion, I can have difficulty with the sequencing of words, or confuse similar sounds.
Occasionalmente, posso avere difficolta' con la successione delle parole - o confondere suoni simili.
I prepared this because you seemed to have difficulty choosing.
L'ho preparato perché sembravi avere difficoltà a scegliere.
Do you find that you have difficulty separating emotion from sex?
Pensa di avere difficolta' a separare i sentimenti dal sesso?
Oh, you know, as men get older, it's, uh, it's very common for them to have difficulty, as you say, getting, um... trying to...
- Oh, sa, invecchiando e'... molto comune avere difficolta', come dice lei, nel... - Cercare di farlo...
As you know, when people smoke cannabis sometimes they can have, some of them, have difficulty in controlling their behaviour, and that's why we chose a task that could measure this.
Come sai, quando le persone fumano cannabis a volte, possono avere, alcune, avere difficolta' nel controllare il proprio comportamento, ed e' per questo che abbiamo scelto un test che potesse misurarla.
Look, you're not the only person to have difficulties in this area.
Senti... Non sei l'unica persona ad avere difficolta' in questo campo.
He's having difficulty breathing.
Sta avendo difficoltà a respirare.
I'm having difficulty concentrating.
Sto avendo difficolta' a concentrami.
Uh, Mr. Baker... have you been having difficulty distinguishing between real and unreal?
Signor Baker, sta avendo difficolta' nel distinguere tra il reale e l'irreale?
I'm having difficulty remembering things right now.
Sto avendo difficolta' a ricordare le cose, al momento.
We're having difficulties getting it just quite right.
Stiamo avendo difficolta' ad ottenere buoni progressi.
Not as far as we can tell, but he's having difficulty breathing.
Per quanto ne sappiamo no ma sta avendo difficolta' a respirare.
Even the DRD's are having difficulties.
Anche i drd stanno avendo difficoltà.
- He's having difficulty determining that.
Sta avendo difficoltà a determinarlo.
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