Translation for "has contracts" to italian
Has contracts
Translation examples
Holden has contracted an ancient virus.
Holden ha contratto un virus antico.
I am sorry to report that the martian has contracted an Earth virus.
L'ALIENO STA MORENDO Mi rincresce comunicarvi che il marziano ha contratto un virus terrestre.
The trucking company he works for has contracts with the bureau of engraving and printing.
La societa' di trasporti per cui lavora ha contratti con il Dipartimento del Tesoro.
You state that he has contracted the morphogenic virus.
Sostiene che Odo ha contratto il Virus morfogenico.
His company has contracts with dozens of chemical facilities-- oil fields, pipelines and nuclear power plants.
La sua azienda ha contratti con dozzine di industrie chimiche, piattaforme petrolifere, oleodotti ed impianti nucleari.
This group has contracts for the D.O.D.
Questo gruppo ha contratti con la Difesa.
His mentor, Helen Rutherford, has contracted a serious illness which consists of joint paint, fatigue, sensitivity to light, and depression.
Il suo mentore, Helen Rutherford, ha contratto una grave malattia che implica dolore alle giunture, stanchezza, ipersensibilita' alla luce, e depressione.
"Lady Sarah Hill has contracted diverse debts"
Lady Sarah Hill ha contratto svariati debiti
If a person has contracted HIV. it doesn't mean he has AIDS.
Se una persona ha contratto l'HIV non significa che abbia l'AIDS.
He himself has contracted a species of venereal disease from one of his patients.
Ha contratto una specie di malattia venerea da un paziente.
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