Translation for "grouper" to italian
Translation examples
Groupers would be more logical.
Beh, cernie sarebbe piu' logico.
Your girlfriend's getting grouper.
- E del vino. La tua ragazza porta le cernie.
- Rice with grouper and peas?
- Risotto piselli e cernia?
"Look, that's a grouper."
"Guarda è una cernia!"
Gonna go grill some grouper. Cool.
- Griglierò qualche cernia.
Detective Longworth, your grouper's up.
Detective Longworth, il cernia e' pronto.
"lt's a grouper."
E' una cernia."
He's a 100-pound black grouper.
Ecco una cernia nera di 45 kg.
Your dad caught three groupers.
Tuo padre aveva pescato 3 cernie.
You're out of grouper?
- Non abbiamo cernie.
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