Translation for "greenish" to italian
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Translation examples
Greenish hue in the right iliac fossa.
Macchia verdastra nella fossa iliaca destra.
Sean's was kind of greenish.
Quello di Sean era verdastro.
pink, brown, yellow and greenish white.
..verdastri, come vi immaginate.
He can be brown or greenish-brown!
Può essere marrone o verdastro. Hmmmm!
Greenish death Spots.
Livor mortis verdastro.
This greenish puss, is it... gangrene?
Questo fluido verdastro, non e'... cancrena?
Physically too, he's lost weight, skin's a greenish color.
E' dimagrito, verdastro.
They were greenish-yellow.
Erano giallo-verdastri.
All contorted, greenish hue, screaming to be let in.
Tutta... Deformata... Verdastra...
Yes, sir. That greenish-white sheen is a magnesium-phosphorus coating.
Sissignore, lo scintillio bianco-verdastro e' un rivestimento di magnesio fosforoso.
Yeah, we just need to find that greenish bluish stuff that Jenkins uses to stop a blocking spell and get the grout out of the tile.
Si', dobbiamo solo trovare quella cosa blu-verdognola che Jenkins usa per annullare gli incantesimi bloccanti e unire i tasselli.
I meant this greenish fluid.
Intendevo questo liquido verdognolo.
A greenish flame, an aerial attack.
Una fiamma verdognola, un attacco aereo.
The light flickered on and off. It wasn't very bright, a ghastly greenish color.
La luce lampeggiava, non era molto brillante, ma di un orribile colore verdognolo.
Bleary eyes... greenish complexion,double-fisting coffee... you want to tell me what you did last night?
Occhi stanchi... colorito verdognolo, doppio caffe'... Vuoi dirmi cosa hai fatto la notte scorsa?
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