Translation for "four-shot" to italian
Translation examples
Four shots of tequila.
- Quattro shot di tequila.
Even counting that time I smoked crack thinking it was meth and then took four shots of Everclear and ate cat poop.
Anche peggio di quella volta che ho fumato crack pensando che fosse metanfetamina... e poi ho bevuto quattro shot di Everclear e ho mangiato cacca di gatto.
Barbie was cheating on you, downed four shots of tequila at six bucks a pop. And then, it was what?
Hai mandato giu' quattro shot di tequila da sei dollari a botta.
All right, here we go-- four shots of tequila.
Bene, ecco qua... quattro shot di tequila.
Four shots of Patron, please.
Quattro shot di Patron, per favore.
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