Translation for "fireproof" to italian
Translation examples
Cyclopes are fireproof.
I ciclopi sono ignifughi.
Yeah, er, I think its fireproof.
- Si', credo sia ignifugo. - Mettiamolo.
Wasp repellent, canned peaches, a fireproof canoe.
Pomata anti-vespe, pesche sciroppate e una canoa ignifuga.
- Houses have always been fireproof.
- Le case sono sempre state ignifughe.
Plus it's fireproof.
Ed e' anche ignifugo.
It's a fireproof suit.
E' una tuta ignifuga.
Except how to be fireproof.
- A parte come diventare ignifuga.
It's a fireproof building material.
E' un materiale edile ignifugo
We just have to find out how fireproof Jim is.
Dobbiamo solo testare quanto sia ignifugo Jim.
Guy in a fireproof suit, motor oil.
Un ragazzo in tuta ignifuga, olio da motore.
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