Translation for "fathers" to italian
Translation examples
- Yeah, "Father." Definitely "Father."
- Si', padre. Facciamo padre.
Father, Father, don't you...
Padre, Padre, non crede...
Father Ted, Father Dougal!
Padre Ted, Padre Dougal!
Father Joseph, father Bro-seph, Father bro, Father Brah... Bam!
Padre Joseph, padre Fra-seph, padre fratello, padre Fra'.
Where's my father?
Dov'e' il babbo?
For you, Father.
Per te, babbo.
Oh, look, Father!
ma guarda babbo!
- Me too, Father!
Anch'io, babbo!
It's me, father.
Sono io, babbo.
Father Christmas. Presents.
Babbo Natale, regali...
- I'm with Father.
- Cosi', col babbo...
My father's father used to say:
Il babbo del mio babbo diceva cosi:
Father, it's me!
Babbo, sono io.
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