Translation for "enormous-and" to italian
Translation examples
The mythical overlay is so enormous... and not good.
La copertura mitologica e' enorme... e non e' valida.
"He's enormous and likes peace and quiet."
" E' enorme e adora la pace e la quiete."
The two enormous and highly paid heads come together for that ultimate and inevitable moment.
Le due enormi e strapagate teste si avvicinano per il conclusivo e inevitabile momento.
They're always enormous and very impersonal.
Sono enormi e impersonali.
You smell like enorme and brass polish.
Puzzi di Enorme e detersivo per ottone.
She's quite enormous, and has trouble getting around.
Lei e' alquanto enorme e ha problemi ad andare in giro.
My family is enormous and loud.
La mia famiglia e' enorme e rumorosa.
Well, the response was enormous And we took quite a long time sorting out the winners.
Beh, il responso è stato enorme e c'è voluto molto tempo a trovare i vincitori.
An enormous and awful calamity right here in Edinburgh.
Un'enorme e spaventosa calamita' proprio qui, a Edimburgo.
The risk was enormous, and I couldn't think about anything.
Il rischio era enorme e non riuscivo a pensare a nulla.
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