Translation for "enamoured" to italian
Translation examples
You are still enamoured of her
Sei innamorato di lei
When she is my wife I'll see to it that she's kept safe from these enamoured lady-killers
Quando sarà mia moglie da questi zerbinotti innamorati metterla in salvo sarà pensier mio
It happened that he fell in love with a young and noble lady called desdemona, who drawn by his virtue, became equally enamoured of him.
Accadde che si innamorò di una giovane e nobile dama chiamata Desdemona, che, attratta dalla sua virtù, divenne in ugual modo innamorata di lui.
- Did you really believe she was that enamoured with you?
Credevi davvero che fosse innamorata di te?
Innamorato di me più che mai.
Some were champions of social equality, others were wholly enamoured of beauty, still others had faith in science and its achievements, and there were some who became even more Christian, resorting to various Easts and Wests in search of new religious forms to entertain their otherwise hollow consciousness of merely living.
Alcuni erano entusiasti dell'uguaglianza sociale altri erano innamorati solo della bellezza altri avevano fede nella scienza e nei suoi benefici e altri che, ancora più cristiani andavano a cercare in Orienti e in Occidenti altre forme religiose con cui intrattenere la coscienza, altrimenti vuota senza di esse, del mero vivere.
She's enamoured of you, Mulder.
E' innamorata di te.
Enamoured to make pity
Innamorato da far pietà
I'm deeply enamoured, this is not some trivial fancy.
Sono profondamente innamorato, Demelza, non e' un banale capriccio.
He told me that you are enamoured of your chinaman.
Mi ha detto che sei innamorata di quel cinese.
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