Translation for "dockland" to italian
Translation examples
Yeah, the Dockland City raid, right?
Il colpo alla citta' portuale, giusto?
We've just had a 999 call. Triangulation leads back to Docklands.
È arrivata una chiamata... la triangolazione riporta ai Docklands.
'The Metropolitan Police say the man, who has not been identified, 'was sitting in the stationary car when it exploded 'at a go-karting track in the London Docklands area.
La polizia metropolitana ritiene che l'uomo, ancora non identificato, era seduto in una macchina in sosta quando e' esplosa in una pista di kart nella zona delle Docklands.
So we know Turner made his money from Docklands property.
- Allora... sappiamo che Turner ha fatto soldi grazie alle proprietà nel Docklands.
He sticks the knife... Yes, and Private Pyle was Full Metal Jacket which was shot in the Docklands.
Giusto, e il soldato Palla di Lardo era in Full Metal Jacket, girato nelle Docklands.
He scaled six floors of a Docklands apartment building,
Ha scalato sei piani di un condominio delle Docklands,
He made a killing on the Docklands.
Ha fatto il colpaccio alle Docklands.
When I was building my fortune in Docklands... ..who do you think tried to bully me, tried to run me out of business, threaten me if I wouldn't get out of their way?
Quando stavo facendo fortuna... nelle Docklands, chi pensi che abbia provato a intimidirmi? O cercato di cacciarmi dal giro?
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