Translation for "crepitus" to italian
Translation examples
No sign of crepitus.
Non c'e' crepitio.
No bruit, crepitus, or stridor.
Nessun soffio, crepitio o stridore.
Crepitus, the chest.
Crepitio al petto.
Arm is positive with crepitus.
E' presente crepitio al braccio.
Rib fractures on the left with palpable crepitus.
Frattura del costato sinistro, crepitio alla palpazione.
It's called crepitus.
- Ok. Si chiama crepitio.
I can feel the crepitus.
Sento il crepitio.
Crepitus on his chest. We got him.
Crepitazione al torace.
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