Translation for "cover and" to italian
Translation examples
I got her two magazine covers and a renewal on her contract.
Le ho fatto avere due copertine... e il rinnovo del contratto.
You'll only wind up ripping' the cover and I don't like that.
Finirete per strappare la copertina, e non mi piace.
But I looked at the inside cover, and I saw this.
Ma ho guardato dentro la copertina, e ho visto questo.
You see the space between the hard cover and the binding?
Vedi lo spazio tra la copertina e la rilegatura?
You're going to give her a cover and it's all good.
Le dara' una copertina e andra' tutto a posto.
You put James on the cover, and now I think he's sexy.
Hai messo James in copertina e adesso penso che sia sexy.
the problem is the cover and the Paper.
Il problema sono le copertine e la carta.
Meanwhile, you're still putting head shots on covers and calling it art.
Mentre tu continui a mettere primi piani sulle copertine e la chiami arte.
Rolling Stone is promising a cover and Reddit wants you for an AMA.
Rolling Stone vuole metterti in copertina e Reddit ti vuole per un AMA.
You put this on the cover, and is damaging the brand.
Mettete questo in copertina e danneggerete la rivista!
Cover and retreat!
Coprire e ritirarsi!
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