Translation for "corp" to italian
Translation examples
Approaching Yasumoto Corp.
Arrivo alla Yasumoto Corp.
Formidable advertising corp.
Della Formidable Advertising Corp.
The C-Corp.
La C-Corp.
It's Ferrous Corp.
E' la Ferrous Corp.
He runs Hydral Corp.
Gestisce l'Hydral Corp.
Raven. G-Corp.
Raven, della G. Corp
The Ferrous Corp ship is jumping to FTL.
La nave della Ferrous Corporation sta entrando nell'ultravelocita'.
Verbanski Corp took all of our clients.
La Verbanski Corporation ci ha preso tutti i clienti.
You don't need to worry about Traugott Corp anymore.
Non dovete piu' preoccuparvi della Traugott Corporation.
Stellar Defense Corp.
Stellar Defense Corporation.
Ther e's a new bidder f or Continental Corp.
C'è un nuovo offerente per la Continental Corporation.
XU Corp won't budge on the Accord.
La XU Corporation non cambierà idea sull'Accordo.
Verbanski Corp has a job opening.
La Verbanski Corporation ha un posto vacante.
Continental Corp's been sold.
La Continental Corporation è stata venduta.
He got a grant from Unified Pharmaceutical Corp.
{ Ragauo: Dal la Unified Pharmaceutical Corporation.
-- [ Sighs deeply ] - - They put in a bid f or Continental Corp.
Hanno fatto un'offerta per la Continental Corporation.
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