Translation for "cooperation" to italian
Translation examples
Thanks for your cooperation.
Grazie per la cooperazione.
- ... I expect cooperation.
- ...mi aspetto cooperazione.
It was hardly cooperation.
- Ma che cooperazione...
Inter-squad cooperation.
La cooperazione tra reparti.
How is that cooperating?
- Che cooperazione sarebbe?
Just this. Cooperation.
Solo questo, cooperazione.
He doesn't want cooperation.
Non vuole cooperazione.
Don't expect cooperation.
Non aspettatevi cooperazione.
Full Navy cooperation.
Piena cooperazione della Marina.
Thank you foryour cooperation.
Grazie perla collaborazione.
- In cooperation with-
- In collaborazione con...
He expects cooperation.
Si aspetta collaborazione.
Every cooperation, obviously.
Piena collaborazione? Certo!
Right, cooperate fully.
- Giusto. Piena collaborazione.
You'll have complete cooperation.
Avrai piena collaborazione.
Yeah, full cooperation.
- Sì, completa collaborazione.
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