Translation for "common diseases" to italian
Common diseases
Translation examples
But somewhere out there in the world it's a very common disease.
Ma nel resto del mondo e' una malattia comune.
In 1775, cancer of the scrotum was a common disease among chimney sweeps.
Nel 1775, il cancro allo scroto era una malattia comune fra gli spazzacamini.
Well, actually, it's the same strep A bacteria that causes common diseases like tonsillitis and strep throat.
Da cosa e' causato? Beh, in realta', e' lo stesso streptococco A che provoca malattie comuni come la tonsillite e la faringite.
One of those common diseases that doctors still don't know much about.
Una di quelle... malattie comuni di cui i dottori sanno ancora poco.
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