Translation for "coaxially" to italian
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And they're going to be coaxial, one right on top of the other.
E saranno coassiali, uno sopra l'altro.
Found in electric motors, transformers, inductors, headphones, printers, scanners, coaxial cables, dishwashers, refrigerators, you know.
Si trova in motori elettrici, trasformatori, induttori, auricolari, stampanti, scanner, cavi coassiali, lavastoviglie, frigoriferi e così via.
The optical nerve must act like a coaxial cable, downloading the virus directly through the visual cortex.
Il nervo ottico agisce come un cavo coassiale, scaricando il virus direttamente attraverso la corteccia visiva.
Coaxial cable provides much gr eater bandwidth than conventional phone lines, so it provides extr emely f ast Internet access.
I cavi coassiali hanno una banda molto maggiore delle classiche linee telefoniche, quindi garantiscono un accesso Internet estremamente veloce.
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