Translation for "clothed" to italian
Translation examples
There is dust on my clothes.
Sono tutta coperta di polvere.
- Where is the bed-clothes?
- Dove sono le coperte?
Clothes, the, the blankets, diapers.
Vestiti, coperte, pannolini.
Food, clothes, blankets, fuel.
Cibo, vestiti, coperte, benzina.
Everything else was clothed.
- Tutto il resto era coperto.
Handing out clothes, food, blankets.
Distribuiscono vestiti, cibo, coperte.
We have clothes, we have blankets.
Abbiamo vestiti, coperte.
My... spheres were always clothed.
Le mie... sfere... erano sempre coperte.
- Pass me a blanket or cloth.
Dammi una coperta, una tela.
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