Translation for "church-father" to italian
Translation examples
His church, Father Mulcahy's at the GPO they said.
- La sua chiesa, Padre Mulcahy al GPO, hanno detto.
This club is my church, Father.
Questo circolo è la mia chiesa, Padre.
Go back to your church, Father.
Se ne torni in chiesa, Padre.
It's not church, Father.
Non siamo in chiesa, padre.
Who burnt down your church, Father?
Chi le ha bruciato la chiesa, Padre?
And I'm sorry for saying dicks in your church, Father Thomas, but then you did say that my daughter was going to hell so it's all relative.
Mi scusi per aver detto "cazzoni" in chiesa, padre Thomas, ma lei ha detto che mia figlia andrà all'Inferno, per cui tutto è relativo.
No, this isn't my church, father.
No, non e' la mia chiesa, Padre.
Is this watering can going to be your new church, father?
Questo annaffiatoio sarà la vostra nuova chiesa, padre?
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