Translation for "chocolate-brown" to italian
Translation examples
Yeah, chocolate brown eyes, ass of an angel.
Si', occhi marrone cioccolato, culo da angelo.
But then so is the fact that you and I are both wearing chocolate brown socks.
Allora lo e' anche il fatto che entrambi indossiamo dei calzi color cioccolato.
Malik was the whole package... chocolate-brown eyes, personable demeanor, supple, dewy skin, which, as you know, won't crack.
Malik e' tutto cio' che si puo' desiderare: occhi color cioccolato, educato nei modi... pelle elastica e luminosa, che non avra' mai rughe.
If he comes out beautiful and chocolate brown, that's mine.
Se invece viene fuori bello e color cioccolata, e' mio.
It was a chocolate-brown Austin
Era un Austin color cioccolato
Yes, his blood's chocolate brown. We need to get his sats up.
Si', il sangue e' color cioccolato, dobbiamo aumentare la saturazione.
Did those fine chocolate-brown eyes finally betray me, huh?
Questi bellissimi occhi color cioccolato alla fine mi hanno tradito?
Chocolate brown with white piping.
Color cioccolato con fantasia bianca.
I mean, look, that Spider-Man's suit is a weird chocolate-brown, and -- and he has a fanny pack that's brimming with Q-tips.
Cioe', guarda, quel costume da Spider-Man ha uno strano color cioccolato e... e il tizio porta un marsupio strapieno di cotton fioc.
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