Translation for "chlorinated" to italian
Translation examples
You'll find chlorinated paraffins, heavy metals, PCBs.
Troverete clorurati paraffine,metalli pesanti,PCB.
On it was chlorinated residue found in residential fountains.
Sopra c'erano dei residui di clorurato che si trovano nelle fontane residenziali.
The water is supposed to be brought in from a natural source, not pumped in from a hose and chlorinated once a week by an ex-con from Glastonbury, but the idea is the same.
L'acqua dovrebbe derivare da una sorgente naturale, non dovrebbe essere pompata da un manicotto e clorurata una volta a settimana da un ex carcerato di Glastonbury, ma l'idea e' la stessa.
There was no chlorinated water in her lungs.
Non c'era acqua clorata nei suoi polmoni.
Yeah, it's covered in chlorine water, but it's clean.
Gia', e' coperto di acqua clorata, ma, sai, e' pulito.
"Do not use chlorinated bleach."
"Non usare candeggina clorata".
It was dumped in a chlorinated pool, so no.
E' stato gettato in una piscina clorata quindi no.
- That's water found in Alina's lungs... not lake water; chlorinated water.
L'acqua ritrovata nei polmoni di Alina non è del lago perché è clorata.
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