Translation for "chester was" to italian
Translation examples
When I looked at the monitor and saw what was happening-- that Chester was trapped in here-
Appena ho visto sullo schermo cosa stava succedendo e che Chester era in trappola, mi ha preso il panico.
Your Uncle Chester was a fool.
- Tuo zio Chester, era pazzo.
They said that Chester was with their kids, did something... inappropriate.
Dissero che Chester era stato con i loro figli, e aveva fatto qualcosa... di inappropriato.
Chester was my brother, but...
Chester era mio fratello, ma...
Yeah, well, Chester was a hack.
Si', beh, Chester era un cavallo da tiro.
Chester was one of the last good men.
Chester era uno dei pochi brav'uomini rimasti.
Chester was sweet, like a dad to Max.
Chester era dolce, come un padre per Max.
Chester was always a little...
Chester era sempre stato un po'...
So one day when Chester was working, I told them where he was.
Quindi... un giorno che Chester era al lavoro... dissi loro dove trovarlo.
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