Translation for "ceremony was" to italian
Translation examples
The ceremony was dignified Yet it'd had its share of relaxed moments... before its commencement
La cerimonia era molto solenne ma ha avuto anche dei momenti informali... prima del suo inizio
And then... On my wedding day, a day I'd always dreamed about, the ceremony was outdoors on the Fourth of July weekend.
E poi il giorno del mio matrimonio, un giorno che avevo sempre sognato, la cerimonia era all'aperto, durante il weekend del 4 luglio.
This ceremony was a sign of respect For the mightiest of their enemies.
Questa cerimonia era un segno di rispetto, verso il piu' potente dei loro nemici.
You know, Sam the way you kissed Georgia after the ceremony was very convincing.
Sai, Sam, il modo in cui hai baciato Georgia dopo la cerimonia era molto convincente.
The ceremony was half over, they were about to call me up on stage, and you still hadn't shown up. I was mad, but I know how you lose track of time.
La cerimonia era oltre la meta', stavano per chiamarmi sul palco e non c'eri ancora.
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