Translation for "cathouse" to italian
Translation examples
Work in some other cathouse?
Lavorerai in un altro bordello?
It's all the same cathouse.
E' sempre lo stesso bordello.
Raising that child in a cathouse.
- Allevava quel bambino in un bordello!
No, it's a high-end cathouse.
No, e' un bordello d'alto borgo.
Who picked this cathouse?
Chi ha scelto questo bordello?
She was running a cathouse.
Gestiva un bordello.
It's a common cathouse.
E' un comune bordello.
It's a cathouse on wheels.
È un bordello su rotaia.
You're gonna smell like a French cathouse.
Puzzerai come un bordello francese.
The cathouse on Huron.
Il bordello sulla Huron.
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