Translation for "captains" to italian
Translation examples
Captain, Captain, good luck.
Capitano. Capitano. Buona fortuna.
Captain Hinshaw, Captain Roberts.
Capitano hinshaw, capitano roberts.
Captain Kramer, Captain Gantz.
Capitano kramer, capitano gantz.
Clever trick, Captain.
Un bell'espediente, Comandante,
Captain, come here.
Comandante, venga qui,
Captain, the orb!
Comandante, l'orb!
My pleasure, Captain.
Con piacere, comandante.
Captain, it's OK.
Comandante, d'accordo.
I'm here, captain.
Sono qui, comandante.
- Final trim, Captain.
- Assetto definitivo, comandante.
- It's what the captain would have done-- - Captain's dead.
-il comandante lo farebbe-- -il comandante e' morto.
- Good evening, Captain.
- Buona sera, Comandante,
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