Translation for "caleidoscope" to italian
Translation examples
Is this real or... or "Caleidoscope"?
E' la realta' o e' Caleidoscope?
Technically, "Caleidoscope" is a massively multiplayer online social game.
Tecnicamente, Caleidoscope e' un social game multiplayer di massa.
Kurt and I fell in love in "Caleidoscope".
Kurt ed io ci siamo innamorati su Caleidoscope.
"Caleidoscope" isn't imaginary, Dr. Pierce.
Caleidoscope non e' immaginario, Dottor Pierce.
When you realized that we found Jeremy in "Caleidoscope".
Quando hai capito che avevamo trovato Jeremy in Caleidoscope,
I joined "Caleidoscope" months ago, when I realized Jeremy was spending all of his time there.
Sono entrata in Caleidoscope mesi fa, quando ho capito che Jeremy stava tutto il tempo li'.
Look. "Caleidoscope" is a fantasy.
- Forse no, ma placa la sete. Senti... Caleidoscope e' fantasia.
"Caleidoscope" is our virtual oyster, so...
Caleidoscope e' il nostro rifugio virtuale, quindi...
I didn't realize who you were until your partner showed up in "Caleidoscope".
Che non ho capito chi fossi finche' la tua collega - non e' arrivata in Caleidoscope.
Listen, a "Caleidoscope" user creates an avatar to represent himself as he explores the Virtual Universe.
Ascolta, un utente di Caleidoscope crea un avatar che lo rappresenta mentre esplora l'universo virtuale.
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