Translation for "brother-sister" to italian
Translation examples
Uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters?
Mhm... zii, zie, fratelli, sorelle?
Minister Brothers, sisters, fellow protestants...
Fratelli, sorelle, compagni Protestanti...
Do you have brothers? Sisters?
Hai fratelli, sorelle?
Husband-wife, brother-sister.
- Marito-moglie, fratello-sorella.
Mommy, Daddy, brother, sister,
Mammina, paparino, fratello, sorella.
Mother, father, brother, sister, lover?
Madre, padre, fratello, sorella? Amante?
Husband-wife trumps brother-sister.
Marito-moglie batte fratello-sorella.
Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters.
Mamme... papà, fratelli, sorelle...
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