Translation for "brodsky" to italian
Translation examples
- How you doing there, Brodski?
- Come stai, Brodski? - Sto bene.
Brodski was just too proud.
Brodski era troppo orgoglioso.
Brodski, get in here, now!
Brodski, vieni qui!
Where's Brodski?
Dov'è Brodski?
Brodski, where are you?
Brodski, dove sei?
- I need help. Hey, guys, Brodski's still alive. But rowan can't move him by herself.
Ragae'e'i, Brodski è vivo, ma Rowan non può spostarlo da sola.
Brodski, you are the man!
Brodski, sei un genio!
- And of course you've met sergeant Brodski.
- Lowe: Conosci il sergente Brodski, no?
But in the words of the Nobel laureate Brodsky:
Ma per dirla con le parole del premio Nobel Brodskij:
But don't forget Nobel laureate Joseph Brodsky's wonderful words:
Ma si ricordi le meravigliose parole del Premio Nobel Iosif Brodskij:
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