Translation for "briere" to italian
Translation examples
So, what you know about this, uh, brier cat?
Allora, cosa sai di questo... Brier?
What do you say we, um, get that chat going with brier right now, move this thing forward a bit, huh?
Che ne dici di... fare quella chiaccherata con Brier adesso, portare un po' avanti questa cosa?
Name's Martin brier.
Si chiama Martin Brier.
Brier can play tomorrow.
Brier puo' agire domani.
Now, if I see you and brier show up again, I'll shoot first and ask questions later. You understand me?
E se vedo spuntare ancora te e Brier, prima sparo e poi faccio le domande.
So, uh, you want to meet with my guy brier tonight or what?
Allora, volete vedervi col mio compare Brier stasera o no?
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