Translation for "born" to italian
Translation examples
"Where were you born?"
"Dov'è nato?"
Born in Omaha.
Nato nell'Omaha.
Born to struggle, born to win!
Nato per lottare, nato per vincere!
I was born black and I was born poor.
Sono nato nero e sono nato povero.
Chance. Where you're born, who you're born to...
Dove sei nato, chi sei nato per essere...
# Born of His spirit, washed in His blood
# Generato dal Suo spirito, purificato nel Suo sangue
Our hatred was born in the same crucible.
Il nostro odio si e' generato nello stesso crogiolo.
Me and Victor... we were children born of flame and ash.
Io e Victor eravamo bambini generati dal fuoco e dalla cenere.
A man that is born of a woman has but a short time to live...
L'uomo generato dalla donna ha poco tempo da vivere...
O see, in guilt I was born, a sinner I was conceived.
Ecco, nella colpa sono stato generato, nel peccato mi ha concepito mia madre.
I know where it was born.
So dove è stata generata.
The old wisdom borne out of the West was forsaken.
La vecchia saggezza generata ad ovest era stata abbandonata.
Joseph was born of a miracle birth, Jesus was born of a miracle birth.
Giuseppe era stato generato con una nascita miracolosa, Gesù era stato generato con una nascita miracolosa.
The power born from the Lifestream.
Il potere generato dal Lifestream.
Born for greatness, bred to rule.
Nati per la grandezza, generati per dominare.
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