Translation for "belittles" to italian
Translation examples
No more belittling you.
Non ti sminuiro' piu'.
I don't mean to belittle you--
Non voglio dire a sminuire voi -
- Don't belittle it like that!
- Non sminuire la cosa così!
Don't belittle our powers, Mike.
Non sminuire i nostri poteri, Mike.
Don't you dare belittle me!
Non osare sminuire le mie parole!
I don't want to belittle this guy.
- Non voglio sminuire questo ragazzo...
How can you belittle Simenon?
Come osi sminuire Simenon?
Don't belittle this.
Non sminuire la cosa.
I do enjoy belittling people.
Mi diverto a sminuire le persone.
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