Translation for "became kings" to italian
Translation examples
But when he became king, he transformed himself into a wise and just ruler.
Ma quando divenne Re, si trasformo' in un sovrano saggio e giusto.
Evil Marduk, king of Babylon, in the year that he became king, released Jehoiachin from prison.
Il malvagio Marduk, re babilonese, nell'anno in cui divenne re, rilasciò Jehoiachin dalla prigione.
This portrait of Henry the Sixth was done on his fifth birthday, over five years after he first became King.
Questo ritratto di Enrico VI e' stato dipinto durante il suo quinto compleanno. Circa cinque anni dopo, divenne re.
Zeus became king of the heavens.
Zeus divenne re del cielo.
His sole legitimate son became King Edward VI at the age of nine. Only to die of illness six years later.
Il suo unico figlio legittimo divenne Re Edoardo VI all'eta' di nove anni, soltanto per morire di malattia sei anni dopo.
You know, Edward III... was 14 when he lost his father... became King of England.
Sai, Edoardo III aveva 14 anni quando perse il padre... Divenne re d'Inghilterra.
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