Translation for "beanbags" to italian
Translation examples
Isn't it just as reasonable that Harley Walls, acting in self-defense, shot you with his beanbag gun?
Non E' giusto e ragionevole che Harley Walls, abbia agito per autodifesa, sparandoti con la sua pistola beanbag?
Guess he took a beanbag to the face.
Ho pensato si fosse preso un beanbag in faccia.
It wasn't the beanbag that killed her, I can tell you that much.
Non e' stato il beanbag ad ucciderla, questo ve lo posso assicurare.
Yeah, beanbags for crowd control.
Si', proiettili beanbag per il controllo delle folle.
Harley said we can keep the beanbag gun.
Harley ha detto che possiamo tenerci la pistola beanbag.
Well, doesn't matter who took the beanbag to the face, all right?
Beh, non importa chi si e' preso il beanbag in faccia, va bene?
This was taken one hour ago, right after I accidentally and tragically shot him in the face with a beanbag gun.
Questa e' stata presa un'ora fa, subito dopo che l'ho accidentalmente e tragicamente, colpito in faccia con una pistola beanbag.
You want beanbag chairs..
Vuoi dei pouf...
- A beanbag chair, Winston?
- Un pouf, Winston?
Morning, beanbag chair monster.
Giorno, mostro-pouf.
I hate the beanbag.
- Odio il pouf.
Use the beanbag.
- Usa il pouf.
- Beanbag chairs, lava lamps.
- Pouf, lampade a lava...
- For a beanbag chair?
- Per un pouf?
Here's the beanbag chair.
- Ecco il pouf.
Beanbag chair gets it.
Il pouf imbottito l'ha capito.
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