Translation for "barrett was" to italian
Translation examples
Pearson took Barrett home,just like they said. But then because Barrett was rejected,he circled back to punish Kate.
Pearson ha portato Barrett a casa come ha riferito, ma poi, dato che Barrett era stato respinto, e' tornato indietro per punite Kate.
Barrett was everything to me.
Barrett era tutto per me. Gli ho dato tutto l'amore che avevo...
Greg Barrett was an MIT grad.
Greg Barrett era un laureato all'MIT.
We also have the credit-card receipt from the bar that Barrett was drinking at that night.
Abbiamo le ricevute della carta di credito del bar dove Barrett era quella sera.
Logan Barrett was at his favorite bar, chatting up some woman.
Logan Barrett era nel suo bar preferito a parlare con una donna.
Pearson's charming enough to pick up a good girl, but Barrett was just along for the ride.
Pearson e' abbastanza affascinante da abbordare una brava ragazza, ma Barrett era solo a rimorchio.
Except Amanda Barrett was more than just a neighbor to Lance Cahill.
Ma Amanda Barrett era piu' di una semplice vicina per Lance Cahill.
- Barrett was a courier?
- Barrett era un corriere?
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