Translation for "bankrupting" to italian
Translation examples
- Weber's bankrupt.
Weber ha fatto bancarotta.
Scooter's bankrupt?
Scooter e' in bancarotta?
- It's the bankrupt...
- E' la bancarotta!
Oscar's bankrupt.
Oscar è in bancarotta.
Even Chanel would go bankrupt with you.
Fallo tu! Faresti fallire pure Chanel.
You want to try and bankrupt us?
Volete farci fallire? Fate pure.
Will another 30 bankrupt you?
Altre trenta ti faranno fallire?
One week more, and the guy would have bankrupted me.
- Mi ha quasi fatto fallire.
Because I am bankrupt.
L'ho fatto fallire io.
The company will go bankrupt.
La società fallirà.
The lawsuits alone may bankrupt the network.
Le cause potrebbero farci fallire.
She'll be bankrupt in two weeks.
Fallirà tra tre settimane.
- They want us to go bankrupt.
- Vogliono farci fallire.
Lawsuit like that could bankrupt me. Well,
- Una denuncia cosi' mi avrebbe fatto fallire.
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