Translation for "baking cookies" to italian
Translation examples
And Ali and Charlotte can sit in that big, ugly house and they can bake cookies.
Mentre Ali e Charlotte se ne starebbero sedute in una casa grossa e brutta magari a... fare biscotti!
Don't you want to just bake cookies sometimes?
Non vuoi solo fare biscotti qualche volta? No.
I'm terrible at baking cookies.
Non so fare biscotti.
She thinks I should be staying home all day baking cookies.
Pensa che dovrei passare tutto il giorno a casa a fare biscotti.
He's imagining himself baking cookies with his mother.
Sto sognando di fare biscotti con sua madre.
Because, remember when she said that they were, she was being criticized during the campaign when Bill first ran and she said, "Look I'm not some little lady gonna be in the kitchen "baking cookies and hosting teas."
Perche', ricordate quando disse che erano, era stata criticata durante la campagna quando correva Bill, e disse, 'Non sono una signora che sta in cucina 'a fare biscotti e offrire il te'.'
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