Translation for "ba'al" to italian
Translation examples
I know you're not working for Ba'al.
So che non lavori per Baal
Exactly how did Ba'al managed to pull this off?
- Come avra' fatto Baal a riuscirci?
I know you, Ba'al.
So chi sei, Baal.
Bigger question is, what does Ba'al want with Adria?
La domanda piu' importante e': cosa vuole Baal da Adria?
Ba'al decided to be even more difficult than usual.
- Baal ha deciso di essere ancora piu' difficile del solito...
Ba'al is in Adria?
Baal e' dentro Adria?
Why would the Ba'als kill their own Jaffa?
Perche' i Baal ucciderebbero i propri Jaffa?
Agent Barrett has some information regarding Ba'al's whereabouts.
L'agente Barrett ha delle informazioni su dove si trova Baal.
Beelzebub, Leviathan, Ba'al.
Belzebu', Leviatano, Baal.
Yeah, whatever Ba'al's up to, he doesn't want any witnesses.
Gia'! Qualunque cosa stia tramando Baal, non vuole testimoni.
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