Translation for "atheistical" to italian
Translation examples
No, we're atheists.
No, siamo atei.
Especially the atheists.
Soprattutto... agli atei.
I love atheists.
Adoro gli atei.
Okay, Em... atheists?
Ok, ehm... gli atei.
But now they're atheists.
Ma adesso sono atei.
Max, we're atheists.
Max... Siamo atei.
- Same with us atheists.
Come noi atei.
Even the atheists?
Persino agli atei?
You're an atheist.
! Tu sei ateo!
A Jewish atheist.
Un ebreo ateo.
Atheist and vegetarian.
ateo e vegetariano.
I'm an atheist.
Sono un ateo!
He's an atheist.
E' un ateo.
The atheistic doctor.
Il medico ateo.
A devout atheist.
Un ateo devoto.
Do the line, atheist.
Di' la battuta, atea.
Hi. I'm an atheist.
Scusa, ma sono atea.
You're atheist.
Tu sei atea.
So you're an atheist.
E cosi' sei un'atea.
Are you an atheist?
E tu sei atea?
Aren't you an atheist?
Ma non sei atea?
You know, folks don't go to church to hear atheistical sermons being preached.
Sai, la gente non va in chiesa per sentirsi predicare sermoni ateistici.
I never preached an atheist sermon in church in all my life.
Non ho mai predicato un sermone ateistico in vita mia.
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