Translation for "ascorbic" to italian
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Monosodium glutamate and ascorbic acid.
Glutammato monosodico e acido ascorbico.
So, Aldo was shooting a cocktail of codeine, phenobarbital, ascorbic acid, finely ground glass...
Quindi Aldo usava un mix di codeina, fenobarbital, acido ascorbico e vetro macinato. Vetro?
Sodium nitrite, ascorbic acid, anti-oxidation agents, di-, tri-, and poly-sulfates... that's what they put in them.
Con nitrato di sodio, acido ascorbico, antiossidanti, di-, tri-, e polisolfati, c'è di tutto, nel salame.
You can make maltodextrin and diglycerides and xanthan gum and ascorbic acid.
Puoi ricavarne maltodestrine, trigliceridi, gomma xantana e acido ascorbico.
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