Translation examples
of us getting married, which apparently makes us appear "unstable."
Ma sta realizzando la "follia" dell'esserci sposati, che, a quanto pare, ci fa apparire "instabili".
I died last night, and ever since then, you've just been running around this house like a freak show, casually dropping hints about vampires, werewolves and, apparently, popping in and out of dimensions!
Sono morto la notte scorsa... e sin da allora, hai corso per casa come una pazza facendo casualmente allusioni a vampiri e licantropi e... e... a quanto pare, di apparire e scomparire nelle dimensioni!
If the people could have a little latitude,the relevance will become apparent.
Se mi concede un po' di liberta', la rilevanza apparira' chiara.
Sir, I thought you couldn't Apparate within Hogwarts.
E' proibito materializzarsi dentro hogwarts.
I've told you Ron isn't strong enough to Apparate.
Te l'ho detto, Ron non e' abbastanza forte per materializzarsi.
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