Translation for "advised" to italian
Translation examples
Offensive measures advised.
Consigliate misure offensive.
Extreme caution advised.
Consigliata estrema cautela.
I'm advising him to.
Gliel'ho consigliato io.
I didn't advise her.
Non l'ho consigliata.
He's been badly advised.
L'hanno mal consigliato.
I advised Michael.
L'ho consigliato io Michael.
He... Advised caution.
Ha... consigliato cautela.
Advised by whom?
Chi te l'ha consigliato?
Advise your client.
Consigliate il vostro cliente.
Advise your Brethren:
Informate la Fratellanza:
You've been advised of your rights.
L'hanno informata dei suoi diritti.
A.T.F., keep me advised.
ATF. Tenetemi informato.
You will be advised, as always.
Verrete informato, come sempre.
You'll be advised.
-La terremo informata.
You ill-advised.
Gente malamente informata.
Keep me advised.
- Mi tenga informata.
Keep me advised, Doctor.
Mi tenga informato.
- We'll keep you advised, Doctor.
- La terremo informata, dottore.
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