Translation for "that took it" to german
Translation examples
This took, all I have now.
Es hat mich alles gekostet, was ich jetzt habe.
It took a bit of work.
Hat einiges an Arbeit gekostet.
That took me weeks!
Es hat mich Wochen gekostet!
It took a lot for me to come back here.
Es hat mich einiges gekostet, wieder hierherzukommen.
That took a lot of balls for him.
Es hat ihn jede Menge Mut gekostet.
It took a lot out of me.
Es hat mich eine Menge Kraft gekostet.
Took us weeks to repair it.
Die Reparatur hat uns Wochen gekostet.
“That took me years,” she said.
»Es hat mich Jahre gekostet«, sagte sie.
It took a lot of effort to find you!
Es hat uns ziemlich viel Mühe gekostet!
You don’t think that took courage?”
Glaubst du nicht, daß das einiges an Mut gekostet hat?
It took a long time, it took forever;
Es dauerte sehr lange, es dauerte eine Ewigkeit;
It took a little while.
Es dauerte ein bisschen.
That took another hour.
Das dauerte eine Stunde.
It took him but a moment;
Das dauerte nur einen Moment;
That took a few days.
Das dauerte einige Tage.
That took several minutes.
Es dauerte einige Minuten.
It took her a moment.
Es dauerte einen Augenblick.
It took only an instant.
Das alles dauerte nur einen Augenblick.
‘But it only took a day.’
»Aber es dauerte nur einen Tag.«
It took until nightfall.
Es dauerte bis zum Abend.
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