Translation for "pitful" to german
  • erbärmlich
Translation examples
As the Nithling lunged at Suzy’s back, the sunburst suddenly went out, plunging the Pit back into total darkness, save for the pathetic circle of light from the strom lantern clutched in Arthur’s shaking hand.
Just, als der Nichtling sich von hinten auf Susi stürzte, erlosch der Sonnenball und tauchte die Grube wieder in völlige Dunkelheit, bis auf den erbärmlichen Lichtkreis, der Strumlaterne in Arthurs zitternder Hand.
Joker was in a sorry state: his face was even more wan than usual, pitted with dark shadows under the eyes, I had the impression he had not slept all night. “Something terrible…something terrible…” His voice was weak and quavering, almost inaudible.
Der Humorist war in einem erbärmlichen Zustand: Sein Gesicht war noch blasser als sonst, er hatte tiefe Ringe um die Augen, machte den Eindruck, als hätte er die ganze Nacht nicht geschlafen. »Es ist… es ist…« Seine Stimme war schwach und zittrig, fast unhörbar.
Suddenly, he saw her as he’d seen her so long ago now, aye, ages ago, it seemed, yet not really, but he saw her very clearly in his mind’s eye—the ragged boy, defeated yet as proud and defiant as he was himself, standing there, helpless, in the slave pit of Khagan-Rus. No, he’d looked at her and looked again and he knew now that what he had felt was different, for she had touched him with the essence of herself.
Und plötzlich sah er sie wieder als zerlumptes Bürschchen, trotzig und stolz in ihrer erbärmlichen Lage auf dem Sklavenmarkt des Khagan-Rus. Jetzt wußte er, was er damals für sie empfunden hatte. Ihr Blick hatte ihn bis ins Herz getroffen.
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