Translation for "large and" to german
Large and
Translation examples
As large as a large dog.
So groß wie ein großer Hund.
He is quite large, however.'' "How large?"
Es ist sehr groß.« »Wie groß
Chicago was large but not large enough.
Chicago war groß, aber nicht groß genug.
He was large, too large, and unwounded.
Er war groß, zu groß und unverletzt.
“Large enough but not too large.” “And the style?”
»Ziemlich groß, aber nicht zu groß.« »Und der Stil?«
The opening was large: large enough for Tyrann.
Die Öffnung war groß: groß genug für Tyrann.
They were large – almost as large as the bear.
Es waren große Hunde – fast so groß wie der Bär.
The room first. Not large, but large enough.
Zuerst der Raum. Er war nicht groß, aber groß genug.
These were quite large, almost as large as the cruiser.
Sie waren groß, beinahe so groß wie der Kreuzer.
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